Publications and
Paper Presentations by Ward Kay
The Use of Targeted Incentives
to Reluctant Respondents on Response Rate and Data Quality
2001 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association (with
Boggess, S., Selvavel, K., & McMahon, M.)
Use of Targeted
Incentives in a Longitudinal Study
2001 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association
Reports of Smoking in
a National Survey: Self and Proxy Reports in Self-and
Interviewer-Administered Questionnaires
Annals of Epidemiology, 1998 (with Brittingham, A., Tourangeau, R.)
Reports of Smoking in a
National Survey: Self and Proxy Reports in Screening and Detailed
Presented to the American Association of Public Opinion Research, 1998
(with Tourangeau, R., Brittingham, A.)
Over-Editing: An
Examination of the Potential Harmful Effects of Survey Data Editing
Presented to the American Association of Public Opinion Research, 1997
The Use of Focus
Groups as a Cognitive Tool for the Development of Quantitative Surveys:
Advantages and Drawbacks
Presented to the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, 1996
Identifying Skill
Requirements and the Problem of Supervisors: Effectiveness of Task-Based
Questions in a Skill-Based Occupational Coding System
Presented to the Southern Association for Public Opinion Research, 1996,
James W. Prothro Student Paper Competition Honorable Mention
The Potential Hazards
of Relying (Too Much) on Focus Groups
Presented to the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, 1995
(with Hurd, R.)
Sampling, Surveying
and Communicating with a Hard-to-Reach Population: A National Survey of
Truck Drivers
Presented to the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, 1994
Shaping Up Your
Public Risk, 1994
Public Awareness and
Reaction to Water Quality Threats: Attitudes Before and After the 1993
Cryptosporidium Outbreak in Milwaukee"
Presented to the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, 1993
(with Hurd, R., and Barron, K.M.)
Public Acceptance of
Innovative Solutions to Air Quality and Traffic Congestion Problems
Presented to the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, 1993
(with Hurd, R., and Barron, K.M.)
"Using the Fax
Machine for Data Retrieval of Elite Populations"
Poster presentation at the American Association for Public Opinion
Research, 1993 (with Parsons, J.)
Suburban Race
Relations: A Study of a Changing Community
Presented to the Urban Affairs Association, 1992
Surveying Race
Relations in the Suburbs
Presented to the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, 1991
Point of Entry
Distribution: Interviewer Boredom and Quality Control
Presented to Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, 1990
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